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Date Title Series Campus Speaker Scripture Watch Listen Read
08/02/2015 Leading with the Towel Foster City Dan Reid John 13:1-17
08/02/2015 Great Leaders and The Great Commission South Campus Dave Chae Matthew 28:18-20
07/26/2015 Urban Renewal Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Neal Benson Nehemiah 7:1-73, 11-12:26
07/26/2015 The City of God Rebuilding Your Broken World Rob Hall Nehemiah 7:1-73, 11-12:26
07/26/2015 Live as an Ambassador Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Shawn Peterson Nehemiah 7:1-73; 11-12:26
07/19/2015 When Things Get Personal Rebuilding Your Broken World CPC All Mark Mitchell Nehemiah 6
07/12/2015 Internal Threats to God's Work Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Shawn Peterson Nehemiah 5:1-19
07/12/2015 When Problems Hit Home Rebuilding Your Broken World Rob Hall Nehemiah 5:1-19
07/12/2015 How Much Do We Love Justice? Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Marcus Givens Nehemiah 5:1-19
07/05/2015 Overcoming Opposition with the Sword and the Shovel Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Mark Mitchell Nehemiah 4:1-23
07/05/2015 Overcoming Inevitable Opposition Rebuilding Your Broken World Dan Reid Nehemiah 4:1-23
07/05/2015 Overcoming Inevitable Opposition Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Shawn Peterson Nehemiah 4:1-23
06/28/2015 We Are Better Together Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Dan Reid Nehemiah 3:1-32
06/28/2015 Strength in Numbers Rebuilding Your Broken World Neal Benson Nehemiah 3:1-32
06/28/2015 Next to Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Shawn Peterson Nehemiah 3:1-32
06/21/2015 Average Asher CPC All Mark Mitchell Deuteronomy 33:24-35
06/14/2015 Let's Rebuild Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Neal Benson Nehemiah 2:9-20
06/14/2015 From Here to There Rebuilding Your Broken World Rob Hall Nehemiah 2:9-20
06/14/2015 From Here to There Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Shawn Peterson Nehemiah 2:9-20
06/07/2015 When Opportunity Knocks Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Mark Mitchell Nehemiah 2:1-8
06/07/2015 Find That Frothy Green Glow Rebuilding Your Broken World Dan Reid Nehemiah 2:1-8
06/07/2015 Prayed, Planned & Waiting Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Neal Benson Nehemiah 2:1-8
05/31/2015 Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours Rebuilding Your Broken World Foster City Dan Reid Nehemiah 1:1-11
05/31/2015 How to Touch the Sky Rebuilding Your Broken World Rob Hall Nehemiah 1:1-11
05/31/2015 Nehemiah's Prayer Rebuilding Your Broken World South Campus Shawn Peterson Nehemiah 1:1-11
05/24/2015 Touching the Untouchables Foster City Moussa Bongoyok Mark 1:40-45
05/24/2015 It Is Your Problem Rob Hall Mark 10:46-52
05/24/2015 Faith = Compassionate Action South Campus Shawn Peterson James 2:14-19
05/17/2015 The End of Time The Story CPC All Mark Mitchell Revelation 22:6-22
05/10/2015 A Mother Jesus Loves... Foster City Dan Reid John 2:1-11
05/10/2015 The God Who Sees and Hears Me Rob Hall Genesis 16:1-15
05/10/2015 Influence South Campus Shawn Peterson 2 Timothy 3:10-17
05/03/2015 LoveWorks 2015 CPC All Dan Reid Matthew 25:40
04/26/2015 Paul's Final Days The Story CPC All Mark Mitchell 2 Timothy 1:1-14
04/26/2015 Paul's Final Days The Story Dan Reid 2 Timothy 1:1-14
04/19/2015 Paul's Mission to Set Us Free The Story Foster City Dan Reid Galatians 5:13-26
04/19/2015 Paul's Mission The Story Rob Hall Galatians 5:13-26
04/19/2015 Paul's Mission The Story South Campus Shawn Peterson Galatians 5:13-26
04/12/2015 New Beginnings The Story CPC All Mark Mitchell Acts 2:37-47
04/05/2015 A Journey of Discovery The Story Foster City Mark Mitchell Luke 24:13-35
  • Showing 721 - 760 of 1667 Results