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Date Title Series Campus Speaker Scripture Watch Listen Read
09/14/2014 It's Not About Us CPC All Mark Mitchell Psalm 115
09/07/2014 Creation: The Beginning of Life As We Know It The Story Foster City Dan Reid Genesis 1-8
09/07/2014 Creation: The Beginning of Life As We Know It The Story Rob Hall Genesis 1-8
09/07/2014 Creation: The Beginning of Life As We Know It The Story South Campus Shawn Peterson Genesis 1-8
08/31/2014 Entering into God's Joy Parables Foster City Mark Mitchell Luke 15:1-10
08/31/2014 The Gospel for Outcasts Parables Rob Hall Luke 15:1-10
08/31/2014 The Lost Sheep & Coin Parables South Campus Shawn Peterson Luke 15:1-10
08/24/2014 Use it or Lose it Parables CPC All Mark Mitchell Matthew 25:14-30
08/17/2014 Purpose-Driven Shrewdness Parables South Campus Dan Reid Luke 16:1-13
08/17/2014 How To Be Shrewd Parables Rob Hall Luke 16:1-13
08/17/2014 Preparing for Eternity Parables Foster City Neal Benson Luke 16:1-13
08/10/2014 The Long Wait Parables CPC All Mark Mitchell Matthew 25:1-13
08/03/2014 Forgiven but Unforgiving Parables Foster City Dan Reid Matthew 18:21-35
08/03/2014 Forgiven and Forgiving Parables Mark Mitchell Matthew 18:21-35
08/03/2014 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Parables South Campus Shawn Peterson Matthew 18:21-`35
07/27/2014 A Tale of Two Prayers Parables CPC All Mark Mitchell Luke 18:9-17
07/20/2014 The Good Samaritan Parables CPC All Steve Korch Luke 10:25-37
07/20/2014 Essentials of Prayer Parables Rob McIlvoy Luke 11:5-13
07/13/2014 The Seed & The Soil Parables Foster City Neal Benson Mark 4:1-20
07/13/2014 Parable of the Sower: One Sower, Many Seeds, Four Soils, Three Obstacles, One Crop Parables Jeff Louie Mark 4:1-8, 14-20
07/13/2014 The Sower Parables South Campus Shawn Peterson Luke 8:4-15
07/06/2014 The Backyard: Siblings - Rivalry & Reconciliation Building a Home: One Room at a Time CPC All Mark Mitchell Genesis 25-33
06/29/2014 The Kitchen: Extraordinary Hospitality Building a Home: One Room at a Time Foster City Neal Benson Deuteronomy 24:17-22
06/29/2014 The Heart of Hospitality Building a Home: One Room at a Time Rob Hall
06/29/2014 The Heart of Hospitality Building a Home: One Room at a Time South Campus Shawn Peterson Genesis 18:1-8
06/22/2014 Avoiding the Angry House Building a Home: One Room at a Time Foster City Dan Reid
06/22/2014 The Doghouse Building a Home: One Room at a Time Rob Hall James 4:1-2, 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
06/15/2014 The Garage: Engaged Fathers Building a Home: One Room at a Time Foster City Neal Benson Colossians 3:21
06/15/2014 Life of the Beloved Building a Home: One Room at a Time Rob Hall Matthew 3:16-4:11
06/15/2014 The Investment of a Father Building a Home: One Room at a Time South Campus Shawn Peterson Ephesians 6:4
06/08/2014 The Front Porch Building a Home: One Room at a Time CPC All Mark Mitchell
06/01/2014 Marriage: Investing in the Ultimate Team Building a Home: One Room at a Time CPC All Jeff & Stacy Kemp
05/25/2014 The Kids' Room: Submissive Children, Submissive Parents Building a Home: One Room at a Time Foster City Mark Mitchell Ephesians 6:1-4
05/25/2014 Family Fitness Building a Home: One Room at a Time Dan Reid Ephesians 5:21
05/25/2014 Freedom in Obedience Building a Home: One Room at a Time South Campus Erik McIlvoy Ephesians 6:1-4
05/18/2014 The Living Room: A Place to Talk Building a Home: One Room at a Time CPC All Mark Mitchell Ephesians 4:25-32
05/11/2014 God Remembers Real Moms Building a Home: One Room at a Time Foster City Dan Reid 1 Samuel 1:1-28
05/11/2014 The First Woman Building a Home: One Room at a Time Rob Hall Genesis 1-2, Proverbs 31
05/04/2014 Practicing Our Faith - Exploring the Biblical Invitation to Spiritual Practice CPC All Mike Yankoski Philippians 2:12c-13a
04/27/2014 The Family Room Building a Home: One Room at a Time CPC All Mark Mitchell Proverbs 24:3-4
  • Showing 841 - 880 of 1667 Results