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Date Title Series Campus Speaker Scripture Watch Listen Read
10/31/2021 Trusting or Trying Galatians CPC All Dan Reid Galatians 3:1-14
10/24/2021 A Unifying Union Galatians CPC All Kevin Sneed Galatians 2:11-21
10/17/2021 The Controversial Gospel Galatians CPC All Kevin Sneed Galatians 2:1-10
10/10/2021 Go Back To Grace Galatians South Campus Dan Reid Galatians 1:1-24
10/03/2021 Ekklesia: An Alternative Community of Hospitality Ekklesia South Campus Kevin Sneed Romans 12:1-2, 9-21
09/26/2021 Ekklesia: An Alternative Community of Attentiveness Ekklesia South Campus Kevin Sneed Psalm 16
09/19/2021 Ekklesia: An Alternative Community of Hope Ekklesia Foster City Kevin Sneed Isaiah 43:14-21
09/12/2021 Ekklesia: An Alternative Community Ekklesia Foster City Kevin Sneed Jeremiah 29:1-7
09/05/2021 Dear Church Dear Church Foster City Kevin Sneed Philippians 1:3-11
08/29/2021 A Final Charge A Final Charge CPC All Mark Mitchell 2 Timothy 4:1-5
08/22/2021 On Living and Dying Well Abraham CPC All Kevin Sneed Genesis 25:1-8
08/15/2021 How I Met Your Mother Story Abraham CPC All Dan Reid Genesis 24
08/08/2021 'Till Death Do Us Part Abraham CPC All Mark Mitchell Genesis 23
08/01/2021 The Lord Will Provide Abraham CPC All Mark Mitchell Genesis 22
07/25/2021 Faithfulness and Fear Abraham South Campus Kevin Sneed Genesis 20-21
07/18/2021 I Need A Good Doctor One-Off Sermons of 2021 South Campus Mark Mitchell Luke 5:1-32
07/11/2021 A World of Possibilities Abraham South Campus Kevin Sneed Genesis 18-19
07/04/2021 The God Who Responds In Grace Abraham Foster City Bryson Bridges Genesis 17
06/27/2021 Running Ahead of the God Who Sees Abraham Foster City Mark Mitchell Genesis 16
06/20/2021 When We Believe God Abraham CPC All Dan Reid Genesis 15
06/06/2021 Returning To Faith Abraham CPC All Mark Mitchell Genesis 13
05/30/2021 Going But Not Knowing Abraham CPC All Dan Reid Genesis 12:1-20
05/23/2021 Confronting Our Hate Jonah CPC All Kevin Sneed Jonah 4
05/16/2021 God's Relentless Grace Jonah CPC All Mark Mitchell Jonah 3
05/09/2021 Salvation Comes From The Lord Jonah CPC All Mark Mitchell Jonah 1:17-2:10
05/02/2021 The Runaway Believer Jonah South Campus Mark Mitchell Jonah 1:1-16
04/25/2021 Final Thoughts Beautifully Broken South Campus Dan Reid 2 Corinthians 13:11-14
04/18/2021 How To Examine Yourself Beautifully Broken Foster City Mark Mitchell 2 Corinthians 13:1-10
04/11/2021 Resisting Division Beautifully Broken Foster City Kevin Sneed 2 Corinthians 12:11-21
04/04/2021 One Solitary Man (Easter Sermon) 2021 Good Friday and Easter Services Foster City Mark Mitchell John 11:1-44
04/02/2021 2021 Good Friday Service 2021 Good Friday and Easter Services CPC All The Last Seven Words on the Cross
03/28/2021 The Paradox of Life in Christ Beautifully Broken CPC All Mark Mitchell 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
03/21/2021 The Right Way To Boast Beautifully Broken CPC All Dan Reid 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
03/21/2021 The Right Way to Boast (Full Service) Beautifully Broken CPC All Dan Reid 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
03/14/2021 Deadly Deception Beautifully Broken CPC All Mark Mitchell 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
03/07/2021 Authentic Leadership Beautifully Broken South Campus Mark Mitchell 2 Corinthians 10:7-18
02/28/2021 Demolishing Strongholds Beautifully Broken South Campus Mark Mitchell 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
02/21/2021 Participating In God's Economy Beautifully Broken South Campus Kevin Sneed 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:15
02/14/2021 The Grace Of Giving Beautifully Broken Foster City Mark Mitchell 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
02/07/2021 Taking It To The Streets So I Send You Foster City Dan Reid Matthew 28:16-20
  • Showing 121 - 160 of 631 Results