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Date Title Series Campus Speaker Scripture Watch Listen Read
11/17/2019 The Truth About Discrimination Pure Religion Foster City Mark Mitchell James 2:1-13
11/10/2019 Profession or Practice? Pure Religion South Campus Mark Mitchell James 1:19-27
11/03/2019 Facing Temptations Pure Religion Foster City Dan Reid James 1:12-18
11/03/2019 Tasty Lures Pure Religion South Campus Sandy Hughes James 1:12-18
10/27/2019 The "End" of Trials Pure Religion Foster City Kevin Sneed James 1:2-12
10/27/2019 Suffering is Never for Nothing Pure Religion South Campus Mark Mitchell James 1:2-12
10/20/2019 Knees Like A Camel Pure Religion South Campus Dominic Rivera James 1:1
10/20/2019 Introducing Pure Religion Pure Religion Foster City Dan Reid James 1:1
10/13/2019 Iron In Our Souls Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit Foster City Mark Mitchell Genesis 37-50
10/06/2019 The Gift of Epaphroditus Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit South Campus Dominic Rivera Philippians 2:25-30
10/06/2019 Life With Others: A Laboratory for Change Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit Foster City Kevin Sneed Romans 12:9-18
09/29/2019 Practicing For Change Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit South Campus Kevin Sneed 1 Timothy 4:6-10
09/29/2019 Spiritual Formation: The Necessity of Practice Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit Foster City Mark Mitchell 1 Timothy 4:6-10
09/22/2019 In The Middle Of The Village Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit South Campus Dominic Rivera Acts 17:16-34
09/22/2019 Worldview: Your Map of Reality Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit Foster City Mark Mitchell Acts 17:16-31
09/15/2019 Whose Job Is It? Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit Foster City Mark Mitchell Philippians 2:12-13
09/08/2019 Participating in God's Abundance Generosity South Campus Kevin Sneed Various
09/08/2019 What About Our Money And Stuff? Generosity Foster City Dan Reid Luke 16:1-15
09/01/2019 A Work In Progress Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most South Campus Mark Mitchell Mark 8:22-26
09/01/2019 We Are Miracles On The Way Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most Foster City Dan Reid Mark 8:22-34
08/25/2019 Becoming Who You Are Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most CPC All Mark Mitchell Colossians 3:1-4
08/18/2019 What We Find Ourselves In Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most Foster City Kevin Sneed Ephesians 1:1-14
08/18/2019 What Brings All Things Together Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most South Campus Dominic Rivera Ephesians 1:1-14
08/11/2019 The Voice Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most South Campus Sandy Hughes Genesis 3
08/11/2019 What's Wrong With Us? Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most Foster City Mark Mitchell Genesis 3:7-24
08/04/2019 The Tragedy of Identity Theft Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most Foster City Dan Reid Genesis 1:26-28
08/04/2019 Souls and Dirt Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most South Campus Dominic Rivera Genesis 1:26-28
07/28/2019 What's The Truest Thing About You? Worth It: Listening to the Voice that Matters Most CPC All Mark Mitchell Ecclesiastes 1-2
07/21/2019 An Amazing Discovery Family XP South Campus Rob Hall 2 Chonicles 34
07/21/2019 Knowledge To Change Family XP Foster City Kevin Sneed 2 Chonicles 34
07/14/2019 Wear Down The Path Reroute South Campus Dominic Rivera 1 Kings 2:L1-4
07/14/2019 Our Final Reroute: To Bless The Next Generation Reroute Foster City Dan Reid 1 Chronicles 28-29
07/07/2019 The Lost Son Reroute Foster City Mark Mitchell 2 Samuel 13-19:8
07/07/2019 The Road To Restoration Reroute South Campus Brain Morgan 2 Samuel 15-16
06/30/2019 David and... Reroute CPC All Mark Mitchell 2 Samuel 11-12
06/23/2019 Power and Kindness Reroute Foster City Kevin Sneed 2 Samuel 9
06/23/2019 Named Reroute South Campus Dominic Rivera 2 Samuel 9
06/16/2019 When Your Back Is Against The Wall Father's Day Foster City Mark Mitchell 2 Chronicles 20
06/16/2019 The Father's Voice Father's Day South Campus John Brandon Matthew 3:13-17
06/09/2019 A Risky Step Reroute South Campus Dominic Rivera 2 Samuel 6
  • Showing 241 - 280 of 1667 Results