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Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit

Formed: Opening Our Lives To The Work Of The Spirit

CPC Spiritual Formation Pillar

Iron In Our Souls

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 10/13/2019

Genesis 37-50

The Gift of Epaphroditus

Dominic Rivera

South Campus: 10/06/2019

Philippians 2:25-30

Life With Others: A Laboratory for Change

Kevin Sneed

Foster City: 10/06/2019

Romans 12:9-18

Practicing For Change

Kevin Sneed

South Campus: 09/29/2019

1 Timothy 4:6-10

Spiritual Formation: The Necessity of Practice

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 09/29/2019

1 Timothy 4:6-10

In The Middle Of The Village

Dominic Rivera

South Campus: 09/22/2019

Acts 17:16-34

Worldview: Your Map of Reality

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 09/22/2019

Acts 17:16-31

Whose Job Is It?

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 09/15/2019

Philippians 2:12-13