Acts the Rest of the Story

The Never Ending Story
Steve Aurell
CPC All: 05/25/2008
Acts 28:16-31
The Fire, The Healings, & The City
Justin Buzzard
CPC All: 05/18/2008
Acts 28:1-16
Practical Faith in the Perfect Storm
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 05/04/2008
Acts 27
Telling Stories
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/27/2008
Acts 26
Law and Order
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/20/2008
Acts 25
The Danger of Delay
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/13/2008
Acts 24:1-27
The Plot Within the Plot
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/06/2008
Acts 23:12-35
Because He Lives, You Can Face Tomorrow
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 03/23/2008
Acts 22:30-23:11
Trouble Along the Way
Steve Aurell
CPC All: 02/24/2008
Acts 21:15-22:29
Identity Crisis
Justin Buzzard
CPC All: 02/03/2008
Acts 21:1-14
Portrait of Integrity
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/27/2008
Acts 20:17-38
When God Slows You Down
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/20/2008
Acts 20:1-16
No Small Disturbance
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/13/2008
Acts 19:21-41
What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/06/2008
Acts 19:1-20
The Kind of People God Uses
Rob Hall
CPC All: 12/30/2007
Acts 18:18-28
Encouragement for the Weary
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/16/2007
Acts 18:1
Introducing the Unknown God
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/09/2007
Acts 17:16-34
Empty Heads or Noble Minds
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/02/2007
Acts 17:1-15
Freedom in Philippi
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 11/25/2007
Acts 16:13-40
The Way God Guides: Compromise, Confusion and Conclusion
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 11/18/2007
Acts 16:1-13
The Glorious Ruin of a Great Partnership
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 11/04/2007
Acts 15:36-41
Growning Pains
Rob Hall
CPC All: 10/28/2007
Acts 15:1-35
When God Leaves Fingerprints
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 09/30/2007
Acts 14:1-28
Good News Travels Fast
Rob Hall
CPC All: 09/16/2007
Acts 13:44-52
The Sermon That Brought Them Back
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 09/09/2007
Acts 13:13-43
The Straight Ways of the Lord
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 06/10/2007
Acts 12:25-13:12
Anxious Hearts and Answered Prayers
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 06/03/2007
Acts 12:1-24
What Do You See When You See the Grace of God?
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 05/27/2007
Acts 11:19-30
What's Important to God
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 05/06/2007
Acts 10:1-11:18
What Did You Expect?
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/29/2007
Acts 9:32-43
First Steps of Faith
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/22/2007
Acts 9:19b-31
Sharing Your Faith: One on One
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/15/2007
Acts 8:25-40
Confronted by the Risen One
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 04/08/2007
Acts 9:1-20
From Persecution to Proclamation
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 03/04/2007
Acts 8:1-25
The God of the Uncomfortable
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 02/18/2007
Acts 6:8-8:4
The Problem of Growth
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 02/04/2007
Acts 6:1-7
Work That Is Of God; Allegiance That Is To God
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/28/2007
Acts 5:12-42
You Can't Fool The Lord
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/21/2007
Acts 4:32-5:11
Where To Run
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/14/2007
Acts 4:23-31
Facing Off Without Falling Apart
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 01/07/2007
Acts 4:1-22
Christmas in Jerusalem
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/24/2006
Acts 3:11-26
The Power of Name Dropping
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/17/2006
Acts 3:1-10
Don't Go To Church!
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/10/2006
Acts 2:42-47
A Sermon That Won 3,000 Souls
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 12/03/2006
Acts 2:14-41
Catching the Wind
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 11/26/2006
Acts 2:1-13
What To Do While You Wait
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 11/19/2006
Acts 1:12-26
The First Forty Days
Mark Mitchell
CPC All: 11/12/2006
Acts 1:1-11