Summer Interns
Summer Internships At CPC
CPC is very excited to offer summer internships to train up college students in ministry. You will have an exciting summer ahead of you based on three words: go, do, and be. All of them are verbs; action is required.
First we want to train you up to GO. Jesus tells us to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Wherever God might have you GO, we want you to be prepared and trained to preach the gospel, whether it’s in our local middle school or in an orphanage in a third world country.
Do: Paul challenges Timothy to be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist and fulfill your ministry. Paul was really passing the torch to the next generation. Our desire is to teach you to be steady in ministry, to endure suffering, to reach the world, as well as help you find your calling in ministry.
The final word is BE. The Psalms tell us to “BE still and know that I am God.” One of the most important parts of ministry is BEing still. We want to teach you to hear God’s voice as you study His Word, as you work alongside staff and people, as well as sitting quietly before the Lord.
CPC Summer Interns is entering its 12th summer. Our desire is to train up college students to do the work of the ministry and give them practical ministry experience. Each participant will work in an assigned area of ministry, receiving instruction and insight from the CPC staff which includes pastors and directors as well as some of our volunteers. We want to help you understand the nature of ministry, the goals of ministry and a personal ministry philosophy. Each intern will experience a balance of activities and responsibilities in order to get a feel for the various components of ministry as well as be a part of the CPC staff. We currently have internships in Communications, Student Ministry and CPCKids.
The Process
Fill out the online application on our website. Upload your resume with your online application. Once we’ve received your application, resume and references, you will be contacted for an interview.
What To Expect
THE DURATION: Summer internships will begin at the end of May and run through the middle of August. Each participant will be expected to work ten weeks within this time frame.
COMPENSATION: Each participant will be be paid $12 an hour.
VACATION: Each participant will be responsible for communicating with the Pastor of Communications regarding vacation time, keeping in mind the necessity of completing ten weeks of work within the summer time frame. Each participant will also be responsible for communicating with the course instructors regarding the content and completion of assignments.
HOURLY EXPECTATIONS: Each participant is expected to work 20 hours in their assigned ministry doing ministry-related activities as agreed upon by them and the intern supervisor. Each participant will also invest approximately 7 hours a week in the study portion of the program.
EDUCATION: Each week you will participate in our “Lunch and Learn” where we will discuss ministry topics. The teaching time will include discussion on the subject as well as relevant and pertinent homework. Each participant is expected to arrive on time and be prepared for the class. In addition to the weekly course work, there will be a series of book discussions through the summer in which each student will be expected to participate.