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Norma Bufford

Finance Director

650-349-1132 ex 105

Norma Bufford is our Finance Director and helps to steward the funds God has provided for CPC. She loves spreadsheets! She is a leader in our Women’s Bible Study and has participated in WBS for the past 24 years. Norma has a talent for baking and once won a blue ribbon in the County Fair for her brownies. (Don’t even think about asking her for the recipe--it’s a family secret!) You may be surprised to learn that she was a collegiate mascot and danced around in a fuzzy animal costume at games (go Bruins!) and she and her three daughters are obsessed with Olympic gymnastics. Norma can’t live without her three B’s in the morning: her Bible, a banana and a beverage (coffee). She is known for her cheerfulness, even in the early hours, though she’s learning to scale back her a.m. perkiness out of consideration for her slower-to-wake-up family members and office mates.