City For The Nations

City For The Nations is sending church planters of Niger to seven unengaged, unreached people groups (UUPG). CPC adopted the Hassaniya speaking Moors for this purpose. Our partnership allows City For The Nations to train and send a church planter to reach the 25,000 Moors located in Niger. Their worldwide population is 5,354,000. Their main religion is Islam.
Here is how you can pray:
•God will grant wisdom and favor to City For The Nations.
•Ask the Holy Spirit to soften the Moors’ hearts towards Christians so that they will be receptive to the Gospel.
•Pray that God will open the hearts of the Moor leaders to the Gospel.
•Ask God to raise prayer teams who will begin breaking up the soil through worship and intercession.
•Ask the Lord to raise healthy local churches among the Moors.
Pray for the church planter that we are supporting, for their family to be strong and courageous amid possible persecution, and for the love of Jesus to shine through them for transformed lives!