CPC Digital Bulletin
Host: Christina Simmons
Worship: Brandon Pasion
Passage: Colossians 2
- The Sequoia Speaker Series is back! Join us on Zoom THIS Sunday, January 21, at 4 pm, as we learn from Dr. Rienow. He is a seasoned minister focusing on Families and Youth, a church planter, and a conference speaker, including the Legacy Coalition videos and Summit. He will speak on “It’s Never Too Late” Part 1: Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child. For more information and to register, go to cpc.org/sequoia.
- New Website: We are extremely excited to be launching our new website this Tuesday, January 23. There may be some time where our website is down as we move to our new one. Although our beta testing has been seamless, there always seem to be some bugs after launch. So please be patient as we work any bugs out. We will be telling you more about our new site in this week's Take 5 e-newsletter!
- Short-Term Mission Trip Training: An effective mission trip is more than budgets and flights. It's about transformation among the participants, the hosts, and the senders. Join us on January 27, 2024, from 9 am to 5 pm for a one-day training that covers what it takes before, during, and after to create an effective mission trip. Register today!
- Women At Work: As a woman in the workplace, you’re juggling a lot: work, family obligations, and everything else life throws at you. We want to help you find your place, grow spiritually, and connect with other women. Women at Work is a place where you can find support and friendship as you navigate your unique challenges in the workplace while seeking to integrate your faith in a meaningful way. We gather to affirm and encourage one another to grow and honor God through our work. We meet on the first Saturday of the month. Join us Saturday, February 3, from 9-10:30 am in the Multipurpose Room at CPC! Register at cpc.org/womenatwork.
- Work Life Open House: With change and uncertainty inherent in life, Marj Young-Krauss will share how having an eternal vision can set you on the course to play the long game and guide your short-term decisions for work and life with more inspiration, resilience, and hope. Mark your calendars for the Work Life Open House on Saturday, February 10 from 9-10:30 am. We also have a photographer offering free professional headshots, as well as hiring managers from local organizations who are hiring. RSVP today!
- CPC Podcast: Have you checked out the latest CPC Podcast Episode? You can find the Central Peninsula Church Podcast on any of your podcast providers and the CPC App!