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What Is Men's Fraternity?

Men’s Fraternity is a weekly opportunity for a larger group of men to connect with God and one another around topics that matter to them. Our goal at Men’s Fraternity is to help each other grow into more authentic and spiritually mature men. We rely on solid Biblical teaching and deepening relationships with other men to accomplish this goal.

When & Where

We offer two Men’s Fraternity options this year. You can register for Thursday mornings from 6-7:30 am or Monday evenings from 7:30-9:00 pm. We will meet in person this year and also include hybrid options when guys need to occasionally join in remotely.  Men’s Fraternity begins either Thursday, September 21, or Monday, September 25.

What’s Our Topic?

This year we take an in-depth look at the topic of Temptation. All men struggle with temptation. All men are tempted to compromise. But any man who is after God’s own heart can gain new tools to help him overcome temptation. We aspire to be men of integrity where our thoughts and actions will match our beliefs. 


Our teaching tool for the year is titled Temptation: Standing Strong Against Temptation by Kenny Luck. Our study will look at 8 different temptations. And our Bible text for the year is the Letter of James. 


We will combine excellent video teaching and rich small group discussion led by trained and experienced table leaders. We know the formula for true spiritual transformation is Biblical truth, transparent friendships, prayer, and trusting God. 

We hope you commit to Men’s Fraternity this year. When you register, you will receive a link so you can buy your Temptation Study Guide.


For more specific questions about Men’s Fraternity at CPC contact Dan Reid.