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50 Plus Ministry

50 Plus Ministry

As part of the "Longevity Revolution," CPC's 50+ single and married adults are living longer and healthier, unlike previous generations. The Sequoia Ministry offers ways to be fully engaged during our extra years, to make the most of the opportunity to "finish well for the glory of God."


Sequoia's 2023-2024 Theme: "Rediscovering the Biblical Role of Older Adults in the Multi-generational Family."


Much is said throughout the Bible about parents' primary role in transmitting faith to their children and the overarching role of grandparents. Opposing this, our culture in recent times has come up with a "new social contract" of non-interference and autonomy, disconnecting generational ties between children, parents, and grandparents. Recent research shows that the latest generation of church-going parents is generally unaware of the biblical vision. Intergenerational solidarity that used to promote the transmission of faith is crumbling with the societal rise of age discrimination, all adding up to a perfect storm. These days three-quarters of families who have raised their children in the church will find that one or more of their offspring is no longer practicing their faith soon after leaving home. Sequoia's purpose this season is to understand what reasonable responses may be available and regain hope we will see all our children and grandchildren in heaven. 



November 19, 2023, 4 pm Zoom Meeting 

Speaker: Pastor Mark Mitchell (former CPC lead pastor) "Leaving a Legacy: Biblical examples, and what I've learned from them."


January 21, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Rob Rienow 

Never Too Late- Part 1 - Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child

Dr. Rienow is a seasoned minister focusing on Families and Youth, a church planter, and a conference speaker, including the Legacy Coalition videos and Summit.He is a graduate of Wheaton College, received his M. Div at Trinity International Univ. and D.Min at Gorden Conwell Theological Seminary, and is the author of numerous books, including Never Too Late, Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child, and Healing Family Relationships, A Guide to Peace and Reconciliation  


The following five Sequoia speaker events will consist of Dr. Rienow's talks on selected topics in the areas of his extensive expertise relating to Sequoia's current theme, "The Biblical Role of Older Adults in the Multi-Generational Family."


February 18, 2024 Rob Rienow

Never Too Late- Part 2 - Encouraging Faith in Your Adult Child


March 17, 2024 Rob Rienow

Healing Family Relationships- Part 1


April 21, 2024 Rob Rienow

Healing Family Relationships- Part 2


May 19, 2024 Rob Rienow

How to Pray and Read the Bible with Your Grandchildren

Book Club

Our Book Club meets monthly on the fourth Saturday from 3–4:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Genres are wide-ranging, and a three month reading list is circulated each quarter. The Club also hosts a variety of meet-ups for coffee, games, dine-outs and outings; in addition, we periodically conduct deep-dive “book studies” on specific topics of spiritual value. (These are offered via Zoom, and ideal for folks  who live out of the area or can’t attend in person for any reason.) For more information about any of the above, click REGISTER below.



Join your fellow CPCer's as they meet and explore breath-taking local hiking venues around the Peninsula. Hikes of all levels are offered, and complete information about what to bring, where to meet, and what to expect are provided in advance of each event. For more information contact Marilyn Stockdale Green or JOIN NOW for regular updates.


Watch Previous Sequoia Gatherings!


Mark Mitchell




Dr. Hal Habecker

Dr. Stephen Yeh

Dr. Hal Habecker

Pastor Kevin Sneed

Dr. Mark Mitchell

Dr. John Dunlap



Dr. Steven Argue

Dr. Valencia Wiggins

Dr. Jonathan Arnold

Dr. David Nolen

Dan Reid

Dr. Mark Mitchell

Kevin Sneed



How Christians Face Adversity

by Jeff Louie, September 2020


Financial Resilience

by Ronald Paprocki, October 2020


Dr. John Dunlop

November 2020


Dr. Donald Guthrie

January 2021


Dr. John Kilner

February 2021


Nancy Brandon

March 2021


Mark Mitchell

May 2021