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CPC Connect

Welcome to CPC Connect! You will find our new online community a great resource to connect with those who call Central Peninsula Church home. Create a new account or login to your existing account.


To update your recurring giving or to start giving online, login to your account and find the give button on the left side of the page. You can also make a one-time gift through the yellow “Give Online” button on this page.

What is CPC Connect?

CPC Connect is the online community at Central Peninsula Church, which is designed to further connect our church family outside the normal Sunday morning services. It provides church staff, leaders and all those who regularly attend CPC with the necessary tools to communicate and interact with those they are in ministry with by increasing the number of touch points throughout the week. If you call Central Peninsula Church your home, please either create an account or login. When you login, you will be able to see your profile information, the groups you participate in, your giving record, events you may be interested in and again an easy way for you to communicate within the groups you are involved in. In updating your profile you are able to provide CPC with your most up to date information so we can effectively and efficiently communicate with you. You are also able to add a picture, update family info, share with us your spiritual gifts, passions, abilities and much more.

Is my information private and safe on CPC Connect?

Privacy for most is a huge concern, as it is for CPC. Although our website is public, CPC Connect is private, meaning only those who have administrative privileges, those in our body who you have approved as a ‘friend’ and those you interact with within groups you belong to can view your information. Your information will not show up on a public search. Additionally, anyone with a CPC Connect login is able to customize what information is shared and with whom in editing your profile. By default we have set our privacy settings conservatively. We take the privacy and safety of your information seriously.

How do I use CPC Connect?

The best way to know what CPC Connect is about is to try it out. You can easily interact with those in your group, give online, search and register for events. We hope that you will use our online community to get better connected at CPC.

What are the guidelines for use?

We expect that every user within CPC Connect will help protect the privacy of fellow users. Not doing so will result in blocked access and privileges being revoked. By becoming a user of CPC Connect you agree to the following guidelines:

  • CPC Connect is intended only for ministry use.
  • It is not intended for solicitation of any kind.
  • It may not be used for business purposes or any non-CPC related items.
  • A person’s information may not be passed along or given out. Our staff is dedicated to handling a person’s information with proper care and confidentiality. In doing so staff and key ministry leaders must gain consent from the individual in order to pass along their information.
  • We ask that all communication be God-honoring. When sending a communication within your groups please handle all personal communication with appropriate care and courtesy.


Send any questions or concerns to


Why should I use CPC Connect?

CPC Connect will provide you with several benefits:

  • Easily interact and communicate with CPC’ers who you are doing ministry with
  • Search for and view events that are happening at CPC
  • Give online by setting up one time or recurring giving
  • View your giving record and easily print off year-end statements
  • Register for events
Who will use CPC Connect?

Every person involved in a group (WBS, Men’s Frat, Community Group, Young Adults, etc.) at CPC will be using CPC Connect. CPCKids will be using CPC Connect to check-in kids into their respective rooms.

How can I request access and login?

Visit the CPC Connect Signup Page, where you will be able to sign up – you should receive a response in approximately 24 hours. Once you have a profile, you can login.

Who can see my information in CPC Connect?

You can set your own personal privacy settings in CPC Connect. The visibility of your information may range from everyone who is in CPC Connect to just church leadership; the choice is yours.

How secure is CPC Connect?

CPC Connect is software developed by Church Community Builder (CCB). CCB uses state of the art equipment, data encryption, and 24/7 monitoring practices to ensure the utmost secure data as possible.


Can someone see my child’s information?

Only church leadership can view information about your child. Please note that if your child is over 18 years old, they will have their own profile.

Who can see my giving?

The only people who have access to your giving record is our CPC Connect master administrator and a restricted number of members of CPC’s finance team.

Who can send messages through CPC Connect, and can they be sent to everyone?

You can send a message to your group if your leader allows open communication within your group. Basic users are not able to send a message to the entire church.

How much of my information can be seen within CPC Connect?

To further ensure privacy, we only show a person's email.

My spouse and I share the same email address, can we share an account?

Individuals can share the same email address, but each individual should use their own unique login credentials. This allows each person to access their groups, messages, and calendars. The first user who signs up with the email address will be given that email address as their username. The second user who signs up with the same email address will be prompted to create a new username.

Do I need to manage another calendar in CPC Connect?

You can easily pair your CPC Connect calendars to your personal calendar (e.g. Google, iCal, etc.). In your personal calendar, the CPC Connect calendars will update in real-time when an event is changed. Go to your personal calendar in CPC Connect, scroll to the bottom of the page and click, “Subscribe to calendar”.

If I am in a group that is listed in CPC Connect, can people see if I am a participant in that group?

No, the only names visible are the leaders of your group.