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Making A Move

Making A Move

A Sermon Series on Being Equipped For Ministry

Let The Good News Guide Us

Dan Reid

Foster City: 04/05/2020

1 Corinthians 15:55-58

My Witnesses

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 03/29/2020

Acts 1:3-8

Building Together

Dominic Rivera

Foster City: 03/22/2020

Romans 12:9-21

Gifted: Your Gifts, His Glory

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 03/15/2020

Romans 12:3-8

Equipping The Saints

Mark Mitchell

Foster City: 03/08/2020

Ephesians 4:11-16

God Has Called You To The Ministry

Dan Reid

Foster City: 03/01/2020

1 Peter 2:9-10

The Priesthood Of All Believers

Mark Mitchell

South Campus: 03/01/2020

1 Peter 2:4, 5, 9-10